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  2. Site Rules

Service Rules

Site Rules

1. Anyone can use the InstaDo service. To create or order a task, registration is required via email or by using a VKontakte, Google, or WebMoney account.

2. One person can have only one account. The administration reserves the right to delete duplicate accounts.

3. When filling out a profile, the user independently chooses a username that can be seen by all site users. The username may contain numbers, Latin letters, and the symbols - and _. It is prohibited to use phone numbers, offensive language, words whose translation or sound may be negatively perceived by other users, as well as system and reserved words, as usernames. The administration has the right to change such usernames and notify the user in writing.

4. The user is responsible for all information (texts, illustrations, videos, etc.) posted by them. By registering on the site, the user confirms that they understand their responsibility and guarantee compensation for expenses incurred by the service in case of claims by rights holders of the InstaDo service.

5. The use of offensive language, rude communication, unauthorized advertising, and posting information and materials that negatively affect the site's image is prohibited. Posting materials that violate the law or third-party rights is prohibited. The user bears full responsibility in case of violations. Information that violates the rules or the law will be removed.

6. The site administration reserves the right to delete any materials (projects, tasks, reviews, comments) and to block or delete a user without explanation. If there is suspicion of unauthorized account access, spam distribution, or other suspicious activities, the site administration has the right to block the account and withdraw funds until the circumstances are clarified.

7. Disputes, including financial ones, are resolved through correspondence, when the user contacts the site support service, or by opening a dispute. If any issue is not regulated by the rules, the system administration decides how to proceed in each situation.

8. The user undertakes not to disclose information obtained during work in the system, which is accessible only upon logging into their account. This information includes, but is not limited to, parameters and conditions of orders, personal correspondence with other users and the InstaDo administration. As an exception, the user has the right to publish data about their earnings in the system, their own orders, and other parameters of their account, provided it does not affect information related to other users (data of their orders, personal correspondence).

9. If the Executor conducts ongoing activities and receives stable income through providing services and fulfilling orders on the site, they must independently manage their relationships with government bodies: independently register as a sole proprietor/patent/legal entity and pay taxes/fees on time.

10. The site user has no right to use poor-quality advertising methods to promote affiliate links, to copy the site in whole or in part, or to use the design or brand of the InstaDo site to mislead users.

11. Use of personal data by the InstaDo site. By registering on the site, the user voluntarily consents to the provision, storage, and processing of their data, and to receiving information, including email newsletters from InstaDo. InstaDo may collect, store, and process user information (cookies, data, identifiers) if necessary for the operation of the site, the correct functioning of the affiliate program, as well as for advertising purposes. The site collects visitor data using Google Analytics and Yandex Metrica services. All user data is stored on secure servers and is not transferred to third parties, except when necessary for the operation of the service or for marketing purposes, and in compliance with legal requirements. You can disable cookie transmission in your browser settings at any time. However, note that this may cause some services to stop working.

12. Users do not have the right to sell, buy, or gift InstaDo accounts or transfer account credentials to third parties.

Working Rules on InstaDo

1. The online project InstaDo is a platform for posting service advertisements and ordering these services.

1.1 A task is a virtual service/set of services or a service that can be performed remotely. All tasks are divided into categories and subcategories for easy searching.

1.2 An offer is created by the employer in their personal account. To create an offer, it is necessary to fill out the form on the offer creation page.

2. All offers on the site are posted for free.

2.1 Any offer may be sent for moderation. The moderator has the right to edit the data on the offer page or even delete it if it violates the site rules.

2.2 The employer can temporarily stop displaying their offer in the list of offers from their personal account if the service is not currently relevant or cannot be fulfilled.

2.3 The employer can add options to the offer, specifying the cost of each option for the buyer.

3. Every user of the InstaDo service has the opportunity to be both an Employer and an Executor.

3.1. The Employer is a user of the InstaDo service who posts offers starting from 200 rubles. The Employer independently forms an offer, organizes it, and presents it to the executors. The Employer receives responses from executors or independently sends job offers. The Employer pays for the service, sends the necessary materials to complete the offer, agrees on all terms with the executor, and receives the completed order.

3.2. The Executor is a user of the InstaDo service who sends Proposals to the Employer for the selected offer, independently choosing the necessary offer from those presented on the site.

4. All interactions between the Executor and the Employer (order, payment, order discussion, acceptance of completed service, etc.) occur through the site interface and/or using the Telegram bot notification functionality of InstaDo.

4.1. To place an order, the Executor needs to select the offer they are interested in, choose options (if they are available and needed), and click the "Respond" button.

4.2. Payment for services is possible using a non-cash transfer, a plastic card, WebMoney electronic wallets, and other methods. The money transfer operator is ESCROW service.

4.3. Orders can be conducted under a safe transaction mode: paid funds are frozen and transferred to the seller only after the work is completed. Ordering in other forms is provided by the InstaDo service, but the site administration is not responsible for poor performance and/or non-performance of the Employer's Task.

4.4. In the case of working under a "Safe Transaction," the Executor receives an amount equal to the order value, minus the site commission:

— 2.7% + 2₽ when paying for the offer and 1%, but not less than 35₽ when withdrawing funds (card)
— 0% when withdrawing funds to a WebMoney payment system e-wallet

4.5. Withdrawal of funds is possible to WebMoney e-wallets, and Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, and MIR plastic cards.

4.6. The Executor or Employer has the right to cancel the order, stating the reason for cancellation; upon confirmation of the cancellation by the other party, the funds are returned to the buyer.

4.7. By posting an offer, the Employer agrees to fulfill obligations for the ordered services. The Employer may not refuse to pay for the Task if all Task requirements are met by the Executor. The Executor provides services to the Employer independently and is fully responsible for the completion or non-completion of the work on the selected Task. Splitting the order for the same service into several (making duplicates) to increase the total number of Responses is prohibited. In such cases, the administration reserves the right to apply sanctions to the Tasks and the user's account.

4.8. If the work on the order is not completed or does not match the specified service description, the Employer has the right to send the Executor's work for revision so that the Executor can redo the work and submit it again.

4.9. Any disputes and disagreements between the Employer and the Executor are resolved through negotiations or with the help of a employer support specialist. If a resolution cannot be reached, the Employer or Executor has the right to open a dispute regarding the Task.

4.10. To maintain the privacy of InstaDo employers, user data is stored anonymously.

4.11. Exchange of all information and files necessary for order fulfillment must occur within the Service.

4.12. Unless otherwise agreed between the Employer and the Executor, all rights to the content developed as part of the order are transferred to the Employer upon completion and payment of the order.

4.13. The Executor agrees that any non-public information received from the Employer is confidential and should not be disclosed or used for any purpose other than fulfilling the order.

4.14. The storage period for files that were provided in correspondence or in the order form on InstaDo is 6 months. After this period, the files are deleted.

4.15. If an order was completed without payment to the Executor, for example, due to the cancellation of the order by one of the parties, by arbitration decision, or as a result of other situations, the Employer does not have the right to use any materials (work result or part thereof) provided by the Executor. In case of violation, sanctions may be applied up to the blocking of the Employer's account.

4.16. The administration reserves the right to hide work from a user's portfolio without explanation in special cases.

4.17. The Executor is prohibited from misleading the buyer about the service provided. For example, cloaking Google PageSpeed in tasks to speed up the site is prohibited. In case of violation, sanctions may be applied up to the indefinite blocking of tasks and/or the account.

5. Each user on the project has a rating.

5.1. After completing an order, the Employer is invited to leave a review of the Executor's work and vice versa. InstaDo reserves the right to delete or edit any review and comment on the review without explanation. The number of positive and negative reviews affects the user's rating. The Executor's rating is displayed in the form of stars and is used to assess the Executor's level of professionalism by the Employer. It is prohibited to use methods that contradict the service rules to influence the rating (e.g., rating boosts as a result of agreements between users). If such actions are detected, sanctions will be applied by the administration against the user's account.

5.2. The Executor's refusal to fulfill an order without a valid reason also negatively affects their rating. Several consecutive refusals or ignoring orders (lack of response from the Executor to an order, leading to automatic cancellation by the system) may lead to the Executor's account being blocked.

5.3. The number and quality of completed offers affect the rating of the Performer. Performers have three levels of professionalism: Newbie, Specialist and Guru. The service provides a system of bans and penalties for performers who violate deadlines. The employer and the Performer can agree on deadlines and milestones for project or task completion in the chat. These agreements can be considered additional conditions for the project. A service administrator may also be present in the chat to record agreements reached between both parties. Before the account is permanently blocked, the Performer has the opportunity to commit 3 violations. A violation is considered valid if, after the agreed deadlines for submitting the project or task, the Performer receives 3 warnings for missing the agreed deadlines or for missing deadlines for this project. 3 warnings result in one violation. After 3 violations, the Performer’s account may be permanently blocked by the service administration.

5.4. Performers may ask the employer to evaluate the offer. Asking for a positive review on a completed offer is prohibited.

6. Dispute Resolution (Transaction Arbitration).

6.1 If the Performer and the employer cannot resolve the dispute regarding the offer on their own, they have the right to submit the dispute for arbitration.

6.2 To submit a dispute for arbitration, you need to click the “Open Dispute” button on the offer page and fill out the form.

6.3 The application is submitted to the competent employees (arbitrators) of the InstaDo website for consideration and dispute resolution. Decision timeframe: up to 3 business days. In complex situations, the resolution time may be extended.

6.4 Arbitrators review the information and correspondence regarding the offer, request (if necessary) input from both parties, and seek objective information on similar services for comparison in open sources.

6.5 Arbitrators evaluate the compliance of the completed work with the offer conditions (service descriptions and agreed requirements in the correspondence), the work result from an objective point of view, and its compliance with the site's rules.

6.6 Arbitrators do not evaluate the creative aspects of the completed offer (e.g., lines, fonts, writing style, etc.). Exception: the work clearly does not match the Performer’s portfolio level.

6.7 An offer is considered completed when the Performer’s work fully complies with the description and scope of the service.

6.7.1 Performers are required to resolve all discrepancies on their profile page as soon as they are identified. In case of discrepancies in data regarding scope, deadlines, or service costs, the correct values are considered to be those specified in the special fields.

6.7.2 If the employer's task differs from the description and scope of the service described by the Performer, and the Performer has accepted the offer, priority is given to the employer's task.

6.7.3 Additional work beyond the initial agreements is carried out at the Performer's discretion and may require additional payment as agreed with the employer. This does not apply to correcting errors and deficiencies made in performing the initial task.

6.7.4 In services involving attracting subscribers/friends/viewers on social networks, a small percentage of unsubscribes within a month after the offer is acceptable. If the Performer does not explicitly specify the percentage of unsubscribes, it is considered to be no more than 5%.

6.8 If poor objective performance indicators are identified (e.g., many errors, slow code, and other measurable issues), the offer is considered incomplete.

6.9 While working on an offer, the Performer must not cause harm to the employer. For example, when working with access to a website, the Performer must not make changes or upload files that could harm the site or its users. If harm is identified, the arbitrator cancels the offer. Sanctions up to account blocking may be applied to the Performer.

6.10 If the service is performed by the Performer, but the employer cannot verify it (e.g., no report is provided or there is no final work result), the offer is considered incomplete.

6.11 If gross rule violations are identified in the offer (e.g., an offer for services not supported by InstaDo, a fake, or a suspicious offer), the arbitrator has the right to cancel the offer and apply sanctions to both parties. The funds for the refund in such an offer are deducted from the Performer's balance and returned to the employer regardless of the offer’s age.

6.12 If during arbitration or while working on the offer, the Performer and the employer come to a compromise on partial payment, the arbitrator makes a decision based on the wishes of both parties and in accordance with the service rules.

6.13 The employer has the right to leave a review for an offer resolved through arbitration in all cases, even if arbitration is decided in favor of the Performer. A review for an offer resolved through arbitration cannot be left by the employer only if the buyer's demands exceed the scope of the offer.

6.14 The rules and terms of service are published on the website and may be changed by the InstaDo administration without special notice to users.



Task — A project published by the employer within the framework of the Service.

Project — An offer of one-time work aimed at achieving a specific result, creating a product, or obtaining a service.

Tender — A competitive form of submitting/receiving applications, based on the employer's selection of the best terms (cost, deadlines).

Personal Project — A project for which the performer is pre-selected by the employer.

Moderator — a Service employee responsible for monitoring materials posted by Users within the platform.

Administrator — a Service employee responsible for providing support and/or assistance in resolving issues/problems.


2.1. The employer takes on the following obligations:

2.1.1. Take responsibility when filling out the Offer creation form: Enter data strictly in the corresponding fields. Provide accurate information. Create the title and description as informatively as possible. Follow the rules of proper Russian grammar and strive to avoid spelling and punctuation errors.

2.1.2. Follow the categorization — place the Offer in the appropriate sections and categories.

2.1.3. Do not post duplicate Offers.

2.1.4. If selecting a performer requires completing a test task, a link to this task must be placed on the Offer page and be the same for everyone.

2.1.5. The title and description of a Personal Project must be as informative as possible and clearly reflect the purpose of cooperation.


3.1. All offers may undergo preliminary verification by the Moderator before publication. Exceptions are projects from employers with a rating higher than 5 stars.

3.2. The Moderator has the right to delete or deny publication of an offer without providing reasons in the following cases:

3.2.1. Violation of the conditions outlined in these rules.

3.2.2. Presence of claims against the employer, supported by evidence within the Service.

3.2.3. Violation of the rules for accepting Freelancer applications and selecting performers.

3.3. The following offers are not allowed for publication:

3.3.1. Violating current legislation, the terms of the user agreement, or the rights and interests of the Service Personnel and/or third parties.

3.3.2. Offers involving the development and/or use of malicious/spy software.

3.3.3. Offers of unauthorized advertising: Spam, including search engine spam. Posting advertising messages on web resources. Mass registration of accounts on web resources.

3.3.4. Offers related to pornography or intimate services.

3.3.5. Offers of cooperation based on a percentage of future profits.

3.3.6. Offers related to network marketing or participation in financial pyramids.

3.3.7. Offers involving email processing.

3.3.8. Offers that do not involve monetary compensation from the employer: "for a review," "for a portfolio," barter-based, and others.

3.3.9. Offers that are of no interest to the vast majority of freelancers, particularly those with symbolic compensation.

3.3.10. Offers containing: Advertising goods/services or external resources. Announcements about buying or selling goods. Referral links.


4.1. Terms and Definitions

Proposal — An offer expressing a Freelancer's willingness to act as a performer.

Task in progress — The state of a task for which the employer has designated a performer. It is established only after a thorough assessment of the work scope and agreement on details with the employer.

4.2. Receiving Proposals and selecting performers is carried out on the Task page.

4.3. The employer takes on the following obligations:

4.3.1. Do not accept Proposals submitted outside the Task page.

4.3.2. Start cooperation only after specifying the Selected Performers.

4.4. The following Proposals are prohibited from being accepted:

4.4.1. Not involving monetary compensation from the employer: "for a review," "for a portfolio," barter-based, and others.

4.4.2. Containing false/incomplete information about the final cost and execution deadlines.


5.1. Upon completion of cooperation, the employer must publish reviews for the selected Performers on the Task page or indicate the reasons why the cooperation did not take place.

5.2. Reviews must be published within 30 calendar days from the end date specified in the applications of the selected Performers.

5.3. In the absence of reviews or comments provided for in paragraphs 5.1. and 5.2., the employer may be deprived of the ability to publish further Tasks until these requirements are met.


6.1. Sending a proposal is carried out on the Task page.

6.2. The Freelancer takes on the following obligations:

6.2.1. Take responsibility when filling out the Application form: Enter data strictly in the corresponding fields. Provide accurate information. Write comments as informatively as possible. Follow the rules of literary Russian language, strive to avoid spelling and punctuation errors.

6.2.2. Send a proposal only after thoroughly reviewing the requirements specified in the Order.

6.2.3. Send a proposal only after thoroughly assessing the work scope and agreeing on details with the Employer.

6.2.4. Start working on the task only after being accepted into the list of Selected Performers.

6.3. Sending the following Proposals is prohibited:

6.3.1. That do not imply monetary compensation from the Employer: "for review", "for portfolio", on a barter basis, etc.

6.3.2. Containing inaccurate/incomplete information about the final cost and execution time.

6.3.3. That are not a declaration of the Freelancer's intention to act as a performer.

6.3.4. That do not meet the requirements specified in the Order.

6.3.5. That are not directly related to the Order.