Разработчик чат-ботов с ИИ
Profile categories:
About freelancer
Создаю мощных чат-ботов для бизнеса - менеджера, который ответит вашим клиентам в любое время дня и ночи. Не болеет, не просит премий и всегда вежливо общается с клиентами.
💬 Напишите для бесплатной консультации
✅ Интеграция с любой системой: CRM , Telegram, WhаtsАрр, Vk, Vibеr, JivоSitе и другие.
✅ Подключение любого ИИ: ChatGPT, Giga Chat, YandexGPT, Llama2 и другие.
✅ Настройка любой сложности. Он никогда не раскроет себя фразами "Я - искусственный интеллект"
Key skills:
Work and education
Лендинг о разработке чат-ботов
AI Consult (базовый бот)
Work experience:
You have deleted block of the work
ФабЛаб Политех (2018 — up to the present time)
Saint-Petersburg, Sankt-Peterburg
Разработчик встроенного и пользовательского ПО
Duration of work:
7 years
Your responsibilities and achievements
Участвую в разработке новых проектов, пишу программное обеспечение
You have deleted block of the work
AI Consult (2023 — up to the present time)
Saint-Petersburg, Sankt-Peterburg
Технический директор и ведущий разработчик
Duration of work:
1 year 10 months
Your responsibilities and achievements
- Успешные проекты с чеками в миллион рублей
- Сделал партнерскую программу с Яндекс.Клауд
- Сложные системы и разработка ИИ
You have deleted block of the education
Художественная школа 10 (2017 — 2022)
Education level:
среднее специальное образование
Duration of education:
4 years 10 months

Иван Н.
Saint-Petersburg, Sankt-PeterburgExperience:
7 years
Professionalism level:
I have comprehensive and deep experience in this field
Desired level of payment:
₽30,000 / hour
Other profiles Иван Н.:
Profile link:
Useful information
What to look for when choosing a freelancer?
When choosing a freelancer, pay attention to the level of professionalism and experience of the future employee. There are three levels on the site: «Newbie», «Specialist» and «Guru».
Also, check out the level of education, work experience and other profiles of the freelancer. Perhaps his professional education in a related field will be useful in your current tasks.
How do I save a freelancer's profile to contact them in the future?
To always have the profile of the freelancer you like at hand, use the «Add to Favorites» link under the performer's photo .
Click on it, and the worker's profile will be automatically added to the «Favorites» tab. All selected profiles can be viewed in the left menu.
I liked the freelancer, but his desired level of payment is very high.
We ask freelancers to indicate their desired hourly rate when filling out their profile. You can always invite a freelancer to a project and discuss payment in person.
What are «Key Skills» and why does a freelancer list them?
Skills reveal specific abilities of a freelancer that can be useful in performing professional tasks.
Most often, skills include programs that performers work in, programming languages, foreign languages, and areas of activity.