Why Should a Term Paper Be Unique?
Many university and college professors set clear originality requirements for essays, term papers, and graduation projects. This is because some students, lacking sufficient subject knowledge or unwilling to spend time writing a complex report, simply download ready-made texts from the internet. Obviously, a paper written by someone else cannot demonstrate a student's acquired knowledge.
How Is Plagiarism Detected?
Decades ago, professors had to rely solely on their memory and library records. Today, numerous plagiarism detection services can identify non-original work. The most commonly used platforms include Antiplagiat.VUZ and text.rucont.ru. These tools not only determine originality percentages but also highlight quotations and fragments found on other resources.
What Are the Requirements for a Term Paper?
It is unrealistic for anyone to write a completely original term paper since certain data has already been used in other works. Professors understand this and do not demand absolute uniqueness, but they do set specific requirements. Typically, a term paper should have at least 70-80% originality. Some instructors also monitor the percentage of citations and borrowings. Citations include non-original phrases and sentences that are not considered plagiarism, such as commonly used expressions, properly referenced quotes, and excerpts from laws.
In addition to originality, a term paper must follow specific formatting rules. It should comply with the required font, margins, and line spacing according to state standards (GOST). Moreover, the text should be free from punctuation and spelling errors.
How to Increase the Originality of a Paper?
Even if you write your term paper yourself without copying text from other sources, a plagiarism check may still show a low originality percentage. Here are some ways to fix that:
- Use special services. Some tools alter the document’s code while keeping the text visually unchanged. However, this method is risky—many plagiarism checkers can detect these manipulations, and a professor can manually verify text fragments to expose the deception.
- Use automatic translation. You can translate the text into another language and then back into the original one. Afterward, you’ll need to correct grammar and punctuation errors. This method might increase originality by 5-10%, but not significantly.
- Utilize hidden characters. In Microsoft Word, you can insert a block of unique text in white font, making it invisible to the naked eye. However, if the professor checks individual sections manually, this trick will be discovered.
- Insert hidden letters in words. This method involves adding extra letters to words in white font with a minimal size. However, a professor who carefully examines the document will easily detect this trick.
- Rewrite the text in your own words (rewriting). This is the most reliable but labor-intensive method. You can do it yourself or hire a specialist. Rewriting allows you to retain references to the original literature while achieving the required uniqueness percentage without the risk of being caught.
To rewrite a term paper effectively, you can hire a freelancer who can complete the task remotely, quickly, and affordably.
How to Find a Competent Freelancer?
Use the freelance marketplace instado.com. Here, you can post your project, specify the requirements, deadlines, and budget, and receive bids from freelancers. Before selecting a specialist, review their portfolio, completed orders, and client feedback. A freelancer with a strong reputation is unlikely to disappoint you.
For added security, instado.com offers milestone-based project execution and a safe payment feature that holds funds in escrow until you receive the desired results.